CAPITAL is both a print and digital publication of the Ottawa Board of Trade and is co-published twice a year in partnership with TAAG.
CAPITAL is designed to tell the story of Ottawa, our nation’s capital city with a thriving business community and culture scene. It highlights our opportunities and strengths, our future focused plans and the businesses and leaders that are working together to make it happen.
CAPITAL inspires the local community to become ambassadors and promote what we have to offer. And it is a great way to attract people to our city – to live, work, play and to learn, visit and invest.
We are seeking local businesses and organizations to be sponsors – to use this platform to support our local economic ecosystem, build their brand, promote their business, highlight their team, and demonstrate their commitment to our amazing city. You can do this through traditional advertising or sponsored content.
To explore options and see our Media Kit, please contact:
President & CEO
Sueling Ching
7th Floor, 251 Bank Street
Ottawa, Ontario K2P 5M3
Phone: 613-234-8468
CAPITAL is grateful for some funding contributed by the Canada Periodical Fund, Special Measures for Journalism, Department of Canadian Heritage.