The Talent Shortage Continues To Pose Problems

Business leaders are searching for ways to find and retain talent, and improve company results, in an increasingly competitive market*. Harnessing the diversity dividend can help improve team and business performance while contributing to the growth of our local economy and increased participation in it. Read on to see how to broaden your search for talent and leverage diversity and inclusion in the workplace for better business results.
- The potential “diversity dividend” is increasingly recognized, and is reported to be Canada’s Global competitive advantage**
- What is it? Move away from “monoculture” and underrepresentation of certain population groups in the workforce to gain business advantages: a variety of perspectives and approaches, increased innovation, customer reach, etc….
- Our talented diverse population in Ottawa: for example, did you know Ottawa’s immigrant population is the most educated of any city in Canada?
- Our diverse population is resilient and talented; businesses need just open the door fully to enable participation and empower performance. Learn to overcome unconscious bias and to recruit for skills and competencies actually important to perform in the role.
There are organizations, tools, and free services available to help businesses succeed in recruiting, empowering, and retaining a diverse and performing workforce. Ottawa Employment Hub can help you navigate these resources and connect you to the partner organizations in our local community to meet your workforce development needs. These partners include our first-class postsecondary institutions and a rich network of employment service providers and umbrella organizations for different population groups.
Are you ready to broaden your search, open your doors, and tap into the full pool of talent here in Ottawa? Find out how to leverage free services to help you find the skilled people you need and deploy them in your organization to harness the diversity dividend.
Contact the Employer Help Desk at Ottawa Employment Hub now!
* Ottawa’s unemployment rate less than the national and provincial rates (4.9% unemployment rate in Ottawa in March) OBGS local businesses say….OBGS survey results as per the Immigration 2019 report
In the 2019 Ottawa Business Growth Survey 44% of businesses reported that access to skilled workers has continued to worsen over the last three years and 20% of those surveyed said talent acquisition and retention would be the top issue for Ottawa businesses over the next five years. {graph 1 of Imm’n 2019 report …concerns continuing to worsen over last 3 years}
**Diversity Dividend: Canada’s Global Advantage, Special Report, Centre for International Governance Innovation, 2017