Capital Context: Ottawa is Open for Business

Lansdowne Park. Photo provided by Ottawa Tourism
There are many visions that come to mind when people think about the City of Ottawa.
As the Capital of Canada, we are at the heart of the federal government and home to over 125 international embassies and high commissions. Proudly bilingual, we are minutes away from Quebec. World class medical facilities, including the Ottawa Heart Institute, Royal Ottawa and CHEO, among others, enhance our already strong healthcare system. A high quality education system powers our leading-edge workforce and entrepreneurs.
And we are open for business! Ottawa’s business community excels in so many areas, and is on the map internationally, recognized for being at the leading edge of high tech innovation, and valuable research and development.
The creative arts abound in our city, in a diverse culture defined by thriving neighbourhoods, museums, festivals and an eclectic culinary scene. We have four major sports teams to cheer on. And we host international events that bring the world to our front door.
The natural beauty of our city animates outdoor activities in all four seasons with hiking trails, water access, skiing and snowboarding. The historic Rideau Canal winding throughout our city offers parks, walking and cycling paths all around it – and every winter the Canal transforms into the world’s longest skating rink.
We are a giving community. A vibrant city. Strong in our history and planning for growth.
All of which raises the question, ‘What do you envision for the future of Ottawa?’
We are currently one million people strong, on track to be 1.4 million in the next two decades – and the possibilities are endless.
Together, we have many high impact projects in progress that are poised to take us to the next level.
But not every growing city realizes its full potential. Growing alone is not enough. We must have a collective vision, smart planning, clear communications and an inclusive culture. In so doing, we have an important role, responsibility and opportunity as citizens of Ottawa representing Canada to the world. The world can see Canada in our city.
The great news is that Ottawa is well positioned to be the best Capital city on the planet. We have passionate business and community leaders working together. We are all committed to the most important issues, including public health, the environment, learning, and diversity. Building on our strengths, optimizing the newest technology and trends, and fostering a culture of creativity will ensure a continuing strong economy and thriving community.
We have much to be proud of in Ottawa, and good reason to be excited about what we can create together. The most important element for our success – our secret sauce that provides us with a competitive edge – is the willingness of every community member to be an active and enthusiastic ambassador for our city. We are building one brand – one message – that we can all use in our personal and professional networks to invite our friends, family and colleagues to come to Ottawa.
That is how we will win the day – as we rebound from a global pandemic – en route to our rightful place as the best Capital city in the world.