UNITED WAY EAST ONTARIO: Our toughest social issues can’t be tackled in isolation

DESPITE GLOBAL CONFLICTS playing out across the world and an enduring cost-of-living crisis, every day I get to see firsthand the power our community has to make positive change.
Whether you are helping out a neighbour or a friend, tackling a project at work that solves an important piece of a big social issue, carving out some of your paycheque to support a youth centre, or caring for children or aging parents who depend on you, you are working hard to do your part.
But sometimes it can feel like there’s so much to fix that it’s hard to know where to start.
That’s where United Way East Ontario comes in. The toughest problems of our time are deeply intertwined: poverty and homelessness, mental health and addictions, social isolation and exclusion – you can’t fix one of these problems without considering the others.
The power of United Way lies in our big-picture approach. We bring together caring communities to address all facets of these big challenges, so we can empower people to overcome them in meaningful and sustainable ways.

Interim President and CEO,
Dennise Taylor-Gilhen
When we help someone overcome substance use challenges, we do more than just help them kick their addiction: we also help them land and keep a job, find safe housing, and stay clean.
When we help a young mom fleeing a violent spouse, we’re not only helping her put a roof over her family’s head: we also set her children up to thrive in school, help her maintain meaningful employment, make sure she can feed her family, and ensure they all have access to counselling.
When we connect a senior with a social club, we’re doing more than just giving them a place to spend the day: we’re also improving their wellbeing, keeping them connected to their community, and giving their caregivers a rest, so they can stay healthy, too.
You can help tackle housing, employment, mental health, poverty reduction, and community-building all with one donation. That’s the power of United Way.
Together, we can build a future where everyone thrives. I invite you to learn more and support our mission by visiting UnitedWayEO.ca