National Capital Commission: Creating Inspiring Capital Destinations

National Capital River Pavilion
As the steward and long-term planner of Canada’s Capital Region, the National Capital Commission (NCC) works to ensure that the Capital remains a legacy and a source of national pride for current and future generations of Canadians.
Here are a few placemaking projects that the NCC is currently working on.
Revitalization of the National Capital River Pavilion
Ongoing work at the National Capital River Pavilion will repair and upgrade this heritage building and historic landmark to make it universally accessible year-round. It will also offer new and unique experiences along the Ottawa River, by providing enhanced public access and shoreline animation.
Previously known as the Ottawa River Boathouse, the National Capital River Pavilion is a remarkable structure designed by architect C.P. Meredith, and constructed between 1914 and 1925 for the Ottawa New Edinburgh Canoe (ONEC) Club. It has been the site of canoeing, boating and recreational activities for nearly a century. The project will be complete this coming winter.
Ottawa River South Shore Park Plan
Did you know that the NCC is creating a continuous nine-kilometre riverfront park that reconnects people to the Ottawa River? The Ottawa River South Shore Riverfront Park Plan covers the riverfront between LeBreton Flats and the mouth of the Pinecrest Creek corridor. It also includes Mud Lake-Britannia conservation area, for a total of over 200 hectares of land. The plan contributes to environmental sustainability, and enhances the recreational experience along the river.
The overall plan is divided into sector plans, and the NCC will develop an action plan for each area in the coming years. Work already underway includes the revitalization of Westboro Beach to create a more vibrant, active space that will improve both the quality of life of residents and the experience of visitors. At the Champlain node, flood resiliency was increased, with the relocation of the parking lot above the 100-year flood plain. This will allow for more programmable space, and improve shoreline amenities and habitat.
Building LeBreton
The transformation of LeBreton Flats into a place of national and civic pride is moving forward. The Master Concept Plan currently being implemented will guide the redevelopment of this important 29-hectare site into a complete urban community and Capital destination.
The plan details how the four unique districts (Aqueduct District, Flats District, Albert District and Park District) will work together to make LeBreton Flats a thriving cultural hub and diverse community.
Currently, three proponents are developing detailed proposals to build a mixed-used development on the Library Parcel adjacent to the Pimisi O-Train station and the soon-to-be-built joint federal–municipal public library and archives. The Library Parcel is within close walking distance to destinations such as the Canadian War Museum and the Capital Pathway along the shore of the Ottawa River.
Working with the NCC
The NCC welcomes the opportunity to work with new suppliers and contractors. If you are interested in offering your services, please visit